When i was a kid, i was asked if i want to be a tree or a blade of grass. I would immediately say tree. Why? Because a tree indicates strength of course! I wanted to be a strong person and that was it. Years later, I was asked again but with something added to it, do you want to be a tree and stay steady in one place or would you like to be a blade of grass, flexible to things in life. I was taken aback. I never looked at it that way ever. I wanted to be a blade of grass of course!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The tree and the blade of grass
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Perfectly Imperfect
Perfection. Its like an affliction some people have. Everything has to be perfect . If things are not perfect, things are just not right. People find it difficult to accept their own mistakes and give themselves no relief and make life miserable for the ones they love too, wanting no mistakes. Unable to accept mistakes they harm relationships. There was a famous series of books written by Richard Carlson, which went by the name of : Don’t sweat the small stuff. Makes so much sense and such good advice packed in such a small sentence!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Life is colourful!!!!
Colours carry a lot of meaning. Emotions have colours. For example, red indicates anger or passion. Practical purposes indicate red to be a colour depicting danger. There can be many interpretations for all the different colours. Imagine a colour completely in its depth and richness. Meditating with colours helps remove negativity and reinforce positive balance to our being. When you meditate with a particular colour, focus on the energy of that colour. There are 7 colours that we generally meditate with. When you sit to do this, sit quietly and relax every part of your body. When you are ready, breathe in the positive aspects that you want in your experience, and those which are associated with a particular colour. Breathe those in, focussing on them completely. Breathe out the negative qualities which are associated with that colour, as given in the list below. You can do meditations with a single colour repeatedly or you can meditate on all the colours. As you like. Make some personal affirmations associated with the positive attributes too, if you so wish.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Just a poem…
As i lay, under the orange tree
Images of a happy time
Overtake my sense and my mind
Take over my entire body.
I’m gone
For a long long time, in that time
Longing for that touch
Longing for those kisses.
As the gentle breeze caresses me
Monday, July 4, 2011
The Potter’s Hand
The word of the Eternal, (or rather the word which came to Jeremiah from the Eternal, saying : Verse 2: "Arise and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause you to hear My words."
Pottery making was commonplace in Jerusalem, during the times of antiquity. Though no longer, so we can still today understand and relate to. God used this illustration to teach how He works with people. So there's a direct correlation and analogy of how a potter works with clay, how God works with people.
We all have a lot to learn. Whether we are going to be open to it, is a choice we have to make. Life has its unique ways, effective teachers, and interesting tools to teach us the things that are meant for us and we unknowingly implore upon to be taught to us, shown to us, be lead to. Lessons we must learn, remember and apply. They say : God is a potter and we are clay, being moulded by his mighty hand.
In my life too, there have been many people who have walked in and unknowingly made me think about myself. About who I am, about who I want to be, about my life, my love, my thoughts, what makes me.. me :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sitting here, breathing deeply. Feeling the breath fill my inside and spread in my body. I’m inside. With each breath, there is a light that glows bright and fades away as I release my breath.
This thought came to my mind. That breath passing through my body will one day move on. Leave this body and move on. With what? What have I learned? This body is of no importance. It will just decay, rot and fade away. But my soul, the breath of my soul, will go on. And I wonder what it will take with it.
I’m so curious and suddenly, its so clear. Whatever I do, it doesn’t really matter. No one is judging me, but me myself. I am here to learn, love and live, each minute. I won’t take anything with me, for I am not my soul. My soul came with purity and will go on with purity.
That’s what I see when I breath deeply inside. Pure light. That’s all.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Questions Answered
What’s the purpose of being here?
What is most important in the lifetime that we live?
What are we here to learn?
The most important purpose of being here is being happy, always, come what may. Whatever life sends us. Accepting it neutrally. Whether we are happy at the one moment or sad. How we overcome the emotions and find neutral ground. That is the purpose. Being happy is a state of being ness. We cannot become happy. We have forgotten that we are basically happy beings. Our purpose is to find joy in everything we do. Our purpose is to be joy. Our purpose is to handle it. Whatever it may be. Nothing is bigger than us.
The most important thing in the lifetime that we live is to be true to our selves. If cannot be true to ourselves, we cannot be true to anyone. We have to be so comfortable in what we do, that we are truth. There is no guilt, fear, shame. Only truth. True to our self. When we are completely true to our inner self, we feel whole, complete and pure joy.
We are here to learn that each one of us has enough inside. We are given only that what we can handle. We are here to learn how to handle it. We are here to learn that there is no outside source of strength. Its inside each and every one of us. We are here to learn that we won’t find any answers anywhere but inside to any of the questions we may have. Nor any solutions to any problems. Those too are inside each one of us. We are here to learn there there is no need for judgments. There are mistakes made as far as our conscience doesn’t allow. If the conscience allows, then there is no wrong. Each and every thing is a lesson and our job is to learn it well and understand fully.
Aren’t we strange sometimes. We have deep belief that whatever we say, do and think is correct. We argue as if our life depends on it. We get offended as if there has been some personal loss if someone doesn’t agree with what our point of view is. We are correct no matter what.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we can open up our minds to hear what another says. Wouldn’t it be nice if we just move forward with smooth rhythm instead of getting serious jerks like when someone puts the brakes on the car suddenly? Wouldn’t it be nice to imbibe something new in life? Try it for what its worth?
Openness… is everything.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Just be
“There is nothing to do. Just be.
Do nothing. Be.
No climbing mountains and sitting in caves.
I do not even say “be yourself”
Since you do not know yourself.
Just be.”
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
I often had this thought… when i don’t know who i am, then i how can i know anyone else. I came across these wonderful lines by Nisargadatta Maharaj, who i have been reading on and off. They really struck a chord in me. I don’t know me, then how can i possibly be myself. What is being myself. We often say “I always do this and that” and “ I never do this and that”.
How come we get stuck in such banal inconsistencies and let these define who we are at the core? Our existence is such a mystery, not only to others but even to ourselves and we spend lifetime after lifetime looking for our self. How many lives have i already been doing this? How many more till i know what i am supposed to know? I don’t know. Suddenly, this strange questioning makes it even clearer for me. I know what Nisargadatta Maharaj means when he says “Just be”. He is asking each one of us, to live the moment. To be in the now and stop questioning. The answers we may be looking for will keep going further away when we run after it. But, if we can just be, it will reveal itself. It will reveal to me, my self. I have to just be.
If i want happiness, I don’t have to look for it, i just have to be happiness.
If i want love, i don’t have to look for love, i have to be love.
If i want peace, i don’t have to look for peace, i have to be peace.
Whatever i want in life, i have to stop looking for it, and just be it. Just be.
Its that simple.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Mystery or Mystical
There is nothing to be said to anyone… These are just my whispers into eternity. There is no need for me to talk about anything.
Sometimes the soul weeps, sometimes sings with joy, sometimes the mystery is far too complicated that nothing can be seen by the heart and sometimes its only too simple…that everything looks like a clear flowing river. Completely at peace. Within and without, inside and outside. Everywhere …the colours look brighter and appealing. The grass is greener, the flowers are so vibrant, their fragrances fill the air in wonder enveloping an otherwise mundane existence. My eyes sparkle and skin glows with happy cells.
And then sometimes however bright the day may actually be, it seems like… a sad grey cloud. And i wonder why. I wonder how. How do the eyes see only what the heart wants ? Only what the soul feels ? How come its never the same ? How come things that i always look at, look different every time ? Just not the same. The mystery of existence never ceases to be, does it ?
Why is that sometimes my tears have all the answers and sometimes its the song in my heart ? Why is this journey within so easy and yet so hard ?
Why is it that sometimes i have all the answers and sometimes i have none ? And why is that sometimes even though there are no questions, everything seems like a lost way to me ? I have no direction at all… when at times i can see the path so clearly ?
Why is it that sometimes i know myself so well and sometimes i don’t know who i am at all ? All alone in this world, and yet, never lonely. Mystical me . . . . .