Friday, March 11, 2011

Mystery or Mystical

There is nothing to be said to anyone… These are just my whispers into eternity.  There is no need for me to talk about anything.

images (25)Sometimes the soul weeps, sometimes sings with joy, sometimes the mystery is far too complicated that nothing can be seen by the heart and sometimes its only too simple…that everything looks like a clear  flowing river. Completely at peace. Within and without, inside and outside. Everywhere …the colours look brighter and appealing. The grass is greener, the flowers are so vibrant, their  fragrances fill the air in wonder enveloping an otherwise mundane existence.   My eyes sparkle and skin glows with happy cells.

And then sometimes however bright the day may actually be, it seems like… a sad grey cloud.  And i wonder why. I wonder how. How do the eyes see only what the heart wants ? Only what the soul feels ? How come its never the same ? How come things that i  always look at, look different every time ? Just not the same.  The mystery of existence never ceases to be, does it ?

Why is that sometimes my  tears have all the answers and sometimes its the song in my heart ?  Why is this journey within so easy and yet so hard ?

Why is it that sometimes i have all the answers and sometimes i have none ? And why is that sometimes even though there are no questions, everything seems like a lost way to me ?  I have no direction at all… when at times i can see the path so clearly ?

Why is it that sometimes i know myself so well and sometimes i don’t know who i am at all ?  All alone in this world, and yet, never lonely. Mystical me . . . . .



1 comment:

  1. The Heart is a funny machinery, isn't it. It is one hell of a director... directing eyes.. directing sight...pumping not just blood but feelings. You have put the argument across poetically, how our vision is often full of often we see rainbows & other times greyed skies... has more to do with how we feel.. yes how often we are alone but not lonely... & conversely in crowd yet alone.. mystical... hmm... may be not... ethereal may be.... it is something that can never be grasped... but catching a snowflake in flight..on your tongue...till it lasts. :))
