Sometimes I wonder why we say some of the things we do. We say such dumb things sometimes and hurt in the process. Not only others but ourselves too. The same way, people hurt us with their words sometimes.
Words, the most powerful and dangerous weapons ever. They make wounds deeper than any sword or bullet. A sword may wound you, a bullet may kill you. But words, they linger painfully. Make you cringe every time. We cannot undo what is said, but words are so versatile. If we are full of regret and remorse, we have plenty of things that can be said to make it better. At the end of the day, what you really are at the core that matters. Did you mean to be nasty, or did the words come out wrong, or did they get misinterpreted. Whatever the case, if you are truly sorry, fix it.
No relationship is trivial. They are all too important. It takes so long to make a relationship what it is, so why let it go, just like that? Give every relationship its due. The world is not an easy place to live in, and the only reason we survive is because of our inter personal relationships with others. They are beautiful. They give us strength and joy. In fact, life would be nothing and we would not be who we are, if it weren’t for the people in our lives. Our relationships make us who we are. They give meaning to our life and existence. They define how we feel inside. Very rarely, yes, we do come across people, we have no desire of bring in touch with.
Get into this space inside you, which is full of gratitude and show it. Say it. Look beyond the foolishness and forgive and forget. Look beyond your self centeredness, also called ego. This is one disease we think we don’t have and everyone else is inflicted with it. Look in the mirror. Its lying to you. Look closely again.
We are born into this world with the freedom to be what and who we want to be, but that doesn’t mean we can trample people along the way. Look carefully inside and stop being all “I” and “me” all the time. Be in the moment and be aware of your self. Being more compassionate gives us freedom. Learn to accept people as they are despite the words said. Learn to control your own tongue, because that’s the only one you can control. Becoming stronger to not let what people say affect you that the words linger on for hours and days is very essential. Allow others to be whatever they want to be and you allow yourself to be too.
Be Joy. Be Pure. Be Love. Be Happiness. Just Be.
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