Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Perfectly Imperfect

missing_petalPerfection. Its like an affliction some people have. Everything has to be perfect . If things are not perfect, things are just not right. People find it difficult to accept their own mistakes and give themselves no relief and make life miserable for the ones they love too, wanting no mistakes. Unable to accept mistakes they harm relationships. There was a famous series of books written by Richard Carlson, which went by the name of : Don’t sweat the small stuff. Makes so much sense and such good advice packed in such a small sentence!


perfectly-imperfectThere is a common and vicious cycle in life: It begins when we do or say something wrong, and then instead of simply acknowledging the mistake and moving on, we enter a state of excessive guilt and despair. We berate ourselves at length for having failed yet again. Alternatively, we may refuse to acknowledge that we even made a mistake, thus entering a state of denial and defensiveness, perhaps even blaming someone else. Neither of these states are useful for correcting the mistake, nor will they stop it from happening again. Like gambling to recover our previous losses, we only make our situation worse.


perfectly-imperfect-Perfectionism is the belief that life is broken. I wonder why people have to look for what is missing, what is wrong, what is broken or incomplete in some way? We all make mistakes and its ok to make mistakes. Patience with ourselves and others is essential for personal growth. Patience is a virtue that is worth cultivating. Life is beautiful in its imperfection. In fact, life is perfectly imperfect.  Love is unconditional, everything else is approval. Perfection lies in accepting all that is, as is, with all its flaws and imperfections.


“Perfection requires the end of purpose. Life without purpose is imperfect.”



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