Thursday, November 3, 2011

The tree and the blade of grass

treeWhen i was a kid, i was asked if i want to be a tree or a blade of grass. I would immediately say tree. Why? Because a tree indicates strength of course! I wanted to be a strong person and that was it. Years later, I was asked again but with something added to it, do you want to be a tree and stay steady in one place or would you like to be a blade of grass, flexible to things in life. I was taken aback. I never looked at it that way ever. I wanted to be a blade of grass of course!! 


Tgrasshere are many storms in the journey called life. While a tree stays and holds its ground, hardly moving, most immobile, least affected by what goes around it; a blade of grass deftly moves about adapting to any circumstance and still staying upright. While the strongest of storms can uproot a tree; a blade of grass will bend over for some time, beaten with the rain, but back in its position once the storm has gone by. While being like the tree may not make you accommodating and open but the blade of grass teaches us to be flexible and changing, moving with times always. Being open and flexible is the only way to personal growth. Having a closed mind will accomplish nothing.


freedomThere are times when i have no answers. Life never came with a hand book or a guide book.. pity. The burden of expectations starts weighing down so strongly sometimes just like a heavy fully grown tree. I think freedom is the most awesome thing to experience. Feels so light and weightless. Beautiful. Just like the blade of grass. When we get angry or someone gets angry at us, again, we feel so heavy, like the heavy tree; but when we are forgiving and embrace love, we are light like that blade of grass. We don’t even need wings to fly. We always are. Ever notice when you walk on grass, you crush it under your feet, but it springs back slowly after a minute or two? The same way, people who are like blades of grass, will never get affected by what other people do to them. They remain as light as they are. They choose not to get crushed. Isn’t that amazing?


Blades of grass2I know what i want to be, and what i am actually. I am allowing expansion, i am casting aside any doubts and fears. I am loving every experience. Good or bad, they all teach me something. I am coming back to life every moment and living it fully. I am growth, love and peace. I will not quit, i will rise again. I will not question my abilities. I am a beautiful blade of grass….. Just never realised it.




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