Saturday, August 14, 2010

Excess Baggage

lpsThe energy of the soul is light, pure, free full of love and uncontaminated with thoughts and feelings. That is how it comes back into this world. Somewhere down the line, the soul gathers excess baggage. The baggage of thoughts, ideas,  misconceptions, feelings of anger, fear, guilt, remorse, hatred,  and many more emotions.

The energy of the soul is no longer free and independent. It is bogged down by all this baggage that is tying us down, smothering us, suffocating us and also sometimes making us feel completely overwhelmed. The soul has become dependent on the emotions we fed it, which manoeuvre us into doing deeds. It has become a parasite to these emotions and thoughts.index1



Wouldn’t it be great to be free again? To feel the pure love that we are?


One way of doing it would be by not ignoring our past. Looking at it objectively in our mind, without over analyzing. Just watching the past events of our lives, and accepting them completely. No blaming, no regrets, no hatred and most importantly no fixed ideas about who we are. Somewhere between coming into this world and now, we lost who we are and that’s what we are looking for. We can’t change the past. We cannot change anyone. images[3]But we can change ourselves by accepting what we are today, coming to terms with the past and start forgiving ourselves. It isn’t for us to forgive others. When we are able to forgive ourselves, we have started shedding the excess baggage.  Once we have started this, we have started making new choices. These choices will heal us and make us more joyful. It will only lead us to a better place, it will lead us to ourselves, to purity. It will lead us to inner peace and love and pure happiness we all keep looking for.


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