Osho said - If you are looking for a certain meaning , you will not find it . Don’t move with any fixed idea . Go open and empty and you will find – not only one meaning – you will find a thousand and one meanings .
What is Nirvana ? So many have described this as the experience of ultimate freedom in life , but rarely the Masters . The Masters know that there is no description to Nirvana . Nirvana happens . It is a lock , which opens without a key . Because a key was never made . It could not be made . Everyone has a different way to it and it holds a different meaning for everyone, a different key for each one of us. Totally unique . So , it cannot be explained , only experienced . To feel what the Buddha felt , you would have to become the Buddha .
Learning to breathe correctly , takes us a long way in making us calm , aware , focussed and productive . That’s what Nirvana is about . It isn’t about running away some place for it , its about doing it right here and right now , within the confines of your spaces . Whether home or office.
Just try setting a timer for 10 minutes . Close your eyes . And appreciate the darkness . The sheer nothingness . Appreciate that you will always go back to seeing when you do open your eyes . Feel the air around you . Feel each breath coming into and leaving your body . When you breathe in , let the focus of thoughts be on the new , the fresh , the positive . When you breathe out , let the flow of thoughts be on the old , the stale , the negative in your body , which are flowing out of your body now . Visualize it . Be creative . Leave all your ideas and the things you may have heard behind . Find your own way . The way will find you too .
When your timer sounds , just calmly come back to the world . You will feel a lot more serene and conscious . . . but as i said . . . . maybe . . . . . .
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