The mind is constantly in movement . We may be sitting doing nothing, but the mind is moving at 200 kms per hour. Racing away .
A lot of our energy goes into this thought association and reliving our memories. The repeated thoughts keep representing themselves again and again often offering no solution instead only re strengthening our unhappiness / grief / sadness towards that particular incident.
This untrained mind , is compared to a Chattering Monkey in Buddhism which is constantly jumping from branch to branch . While this doesn't sound flattering at all , it IS a pretty accurate observation. Sadly this is happening all the time , so it would be good to train your chattering monkey .
We are constantly thinking , worrying , agitating over things . And in that process , forget to live and enjoy now. We clean our homes and the same way we can clean our minds . The way we have to switch off a running motor , the same way we can learn how to switch off our minds . Negative feeling and thoughts will do us no good . Positive feelings and internal co ordination will bring us joy , peace and happiness . How do we then get rid of unwanted thoughts ?

While there are probably many ways you can do it , and maybe you discover your own way , you can try this also . Sit still and relax.
Let the awareness roam through your body , gently relaxing each part and come to the center of your being . All the while , contacting and connecting all parts , breathing deeply and steadily . Its also called centering . Focusing your complete awareness in the center .
Slowly and steadily , the training of the mind will help you control the Chattering Monkey . . . . . At least a bit . . .