Sunday, September 12, 2010


download (3)Sometimes I wonder why we say some of the things we do. We say such dumb things sometimes and hurt in the process. Not only others but ourselves too. The same way, people hurt us with their words sometimes.


Words, the most powerful and dangerous weapons ever. They make wounds deeper than any sword or bullet. A sword may wound you, a bullet may kill you. But words, they linger painfully. Make you cringe every time. We cannot undo what is said, but words are so versatile. If we are full of regret and remorse, we have plenty of things that can be said to make it better. At the end of the day, what you really are at the core that matters. Did you mean to be nasty, or did the words come out wrong, or did they get misinterpreted. Whatever the case, if you are truly sorry, fix it.


download (4)No relationship is trivial. They are all too important. It takes so long to make a relationship what it is, so why let it go, just like that? Give every relationship its due. The world is not an easy place to live in, and the only reason we survive is because of our inter personal relationships with others. They are beautiful. They give us strength and joy. In fact, life would be nothing and we would not be who we are, if it weren’t for the people in our lives. Our relationships make us who we are. They give meaning to our life and existence. They define how we feel inside. Very rarely, yes, we do come across people, we have no desire of bring in touch with.


images (2)Get into this space inside you, which is full of gratitude and show it. Say it. Look beyond the foolishness and forgive and forget. Look beyond your self centeredness, also called ego. This is one disease we think we don’t have and everyone else is inflicted with it. Look in the mirror. Its lying to you. Look closely again.


imagesWe are born into this world with the freedom to be what and who we want to be, but that doesn’t mean we can trample people along the way. Look carefully inside and stop being all “I” and “me” all the time. Be in the moment and be aware of your self. Being more compassionate gives us freedom. Learn to accept people as they are despite the words said. Learn to control your own tongue, because  that’s the only one you can control. Becoming stronger to not let what people say affect you that the words linger on for hours and days is very essential. Allow others to be whatever they want to be and you allow yourself to be too.

Be Joy. Be Pure. Be Love. Be Happiness. Just Be.


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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Here and Now

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It takes all kinds of people to make this world.  There are 3 kinds, giving a broad generalization.




The people who live in the past are the first kind. Thinking about all the things they could have done. Once they have some free space in hands, their thoughts meander towards the past. Every moment is filled with regrets. And this just drags them further into the depths of misery and self pity, without them realizing what its doing to them. It pulls them like an unseen force. They curse the choices they made – the wrong ones. These are labels given by them, right and wrong. The wrong ones are so because things didn’t go the way they wanted to or planned in life. Or because the people around them are not upto their standards. Or wrong, due to the unseen insecurity within themselves. Or wrong because they expect too much from everyone, every situation in life. There is nothing wrong with these people as such, its just when they are in the past, they have lost their past, yes, but now have lost their present too and don’t realize it. They are always feeling “ I would have been happy if………….”


images (3)The second kind are the ones who live in the future. They worry about the future all the time. Plan, yes. And frankly, isn’t that all that we can actually do? We can do our best to make the best happen but it isn’t something we can control. With mind focus and thought control, we can manifest a lot, but that still doesn’t let us control anything. Worrying certainly won’t do anything constructive for our future. As a matter of fact, it would only hamper the progress.  These people are always feeling “I will be happy when…………”


Next are the ones who got it right. They are the ones who live today. images (1)[4]All of us are exactly where we are meant to be. The more accepting we are of this fact, the more joy we feel, more energetic, more happy. This is the only way to progress for us. I don’t say be happy all the time and things will be hunky dory, no. Just accept situations for what they are. Trying times et all. This takes us to inner peace, stability and strength. It empowers us to stand up each day and fight the mini wars we encounter. These people are happy. No ifs and buts.


Carpe Diem – Seize the day. Make each moment pleasurable. Don’t even make it happen. Let it happen. Let it go. Be effortlessly aware of now. When we let precious moments slip by, they are gone forever.

Be there for friends and family. You can only do that when you are fully present here and now. The energy of now is incomparable.



The first 2 kinds of people have lost their today for yesterday and tomorrow. Funnily enough, we are always checking the time. But, time is always NOW.  It would be nice to slow down and just savour the moment. This moment.

Friday, August 27, 2010




All the heroes, are they you and me?

He will return. The sun shines again. Bringing new hope.

The birds fly in joy.

Living each day, isn’t it heroic?

All the heroes return, somewhere.


All the stories have something to tell.

Each new day brings a new story. Most full of pain.

Can we move away from the pain,

And see the pure beauty hiding?


All the people live each day

Hoping that the new day

Will be a new birth.

Its hope that keeps us going.


All the songs are so melodious

Each melody has a different story

Each one tugging and touching someone.


And we just flow….with the breeze

Through life. Battered and beaten.

But victorious too, like each lotus that blossoms



Thursday, August 26, 2010

True Happiness


images (1)True happiness……so difficult to define. In fact, rarely acknowledged as it should be. Happenings rarely get deciphered as true happiness. Look inside your heart and soul. Its right there. Means different things to us all.



The truest happiness lies in looking at your baby looking up at you smiling. Its the purest joy there can be. The  baby holds your finger with complete trust, saying i won’t ever let you go, i own you now.

The truest happiness lies in the gurgle of your baby’s laughter. Can you hear it? So free and intoxicating. You could die for it. It lies in the hug and kiss of your child.

The truest happiness lies in the feeling of the raindrops on your face. Look up at the sky and see how it blesses the earth and quenches its thirst. See the trees glowing in happiness around you.

The truest happiness lies in the birds flight. The significance of that freedom. To fly anywhere. The beautiful colours of their feathers.

The truest happiness lies in feeling the cool breeze on your face. Touching you gently and moving on. The beautiful waves of the ocean rushing back and forth, so calmly. There is no hurry.

The truest happiness lies in doing something for someone with wanting nothing in return. In giving selflessly and completely.

The truest happiness lies in the state of no thoughts. No tainted. No nothing. Just pure space.images


It lies right here, inside you. Beside you. Around you. And yet, we can’t see it sometimes. Its heaven on earth.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Everything Went Wrong Today

imagesEverything went wrong today. Everything that is unthinkable happened. Why would one think it anyway? No need to. But sometimes things just happen. Nothing seems right and you wonder when the day will end. You sit wondering what hit you. However strong you may be, there are just some of those days that you don’t know how to cope with it. Don’t understand how to handle the pressure. Have no clue as to how things will ever get fixed. Wonder why you are in the situation you are in. Wonder which road you took, that got you here, anyway and which is the way out.

The understanding that takes months or years or maybe sometimes seconds to build, just goes away…… out the nearest window. All the inner peace and happiness, goes for a toss.
And, is this fine? Is it acceptable sometimes, to let down your guard and let your tears flow?
Is it acceptable sometimes, not to be a super being all the time?
Is it acceptable sometimes, to not have all the answers, to not even know them?
Is it acceptable sometimes, to feel lost?
Is it acceptable sometimes, to want to be with someone, and yet alone?

Yes. The answer to all the questions is YES. Its acceptable. Because you are accepted as you are. Things may not always go the way you hoped they would. But then things change. Times change. The way they find a route in, they find a route out. Tomorrow will be a better day, we can only live in hope.


This would probably make sense another day, when perspective will change.
When the situation has changed. And you will understand… the reason why things happen.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Excess Baggage

lpsThe energy of the soul is light, pure, free full of love and uncontaminated with thoughts and feelings. That is how it comes back into this world. Somewhere down the line, the soul gathers excess baggage. The baggage of thoughts, ideas,  misconceptions, feelings of anger, fear, guilt, remorse, hatred,  and many more emotions.

The energy of the soul is no longer free and independent. It is bogged down by all this baggage that is tying us down, smothering us, suffocating us and also sometimes making us feel completely overwhelmed. The soul has become dependent on the emotions we fed it, which manoeuvre us into doing deeds. It has become a parasite to these emotions and thoughts.index1



Wouldn’t it be great to be free again? To feel the pure love that we are?


One way of doing it would be by not ignoring our past. Looking at it objectively in our mind, without over analyzing. Just watching the past events of our lives, and accepting them completely. No blaming, no regrets, no hatred and most importantly no fixed ideas about who we are. Somewhere between coming into this world and now, we lost who we are and that’s what we are looking for. We can’t change the past. We cannot change anyone. images[3]But we can change ourselves by accepting what we are today, coming to terms with the past and start forgiving ourselves. It isn’t for us to forgive others. When we are able to forgive ourselves, we have started shedding the excess baggage.  Once we have started this, we have started making new choices. These choices will heal us and make us more joyful. It will only lead us to a better place, it will lead us to ourselves, to purity. It will lead us to inner peace and love and pure happiness we all keep looking for.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Clearing our space, at work and home, is such an ongoing process. We clean and before we know it, its a mess again. And we clean again. Why? Why is this important? Its important because this is what reflects who we are, who we want to be. This is what makes us what we are.

images3[4]Clutter only attracts more clutter. Clutter in front of us, that we keep looking at, will attract more and that too in our mind. The more we organize and clear our spaces, the more relaxed and focused we become internally. Open spaces will open up our minds. Constantly try to stay free of messes, and its not just the space around us, its our cupboard, desk, garage, store room, bedroom, kitchen. Even our email inbox, our mobiles, accumulated newspapers and magazines, de weeding of plants… everything we can think of.

We are energy and there is energy all around us. When we clean up the space around us, we are allowing the energy to flow. Hoarding, stocking old things, broken things won’t help us at all. Clear it out. Get rid of it. We are blocking energy from flowing into those spaces. When the energy flows, prosperity does too. Remove things that don’t matter, thus allowing the positive energies to flow into your home and life.


The way we clean our clutter outside, its important to clean it up inside too. Detoxify. Eat right. Exercise. Stay healthy and have good thoughts. Don’t let the unwanted thoughts to linger on in your mind. Force them out.


Do all this systematically. One at a time, no need to rush. But do it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Once you do it, its amazing how energized and happy you feel. How productive you become. Totally rejuvenated . Inside and outside.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Chattering Monkey

images_thumb1The mind is constantly in movement . We may be sitting doing nothing, but the mind is moving at 200 kms per hour. Racing away .

A lot of our energy goes into this thought association and reliving our memories. The repeated thoughts keep representing themselves again and again often offering no solution instead only re strengthening our unhappiness / grief / sadness towards that particular incident.


This untrained mind , is compared to a Chattering Monkey in Buddhism which is constantly jumping  from branch to branch . While this doesn't sound flattering at all , it IS a pretty accurate observation.  Sadly this is happening all the time , so it would be good to train your chattering monkey .

We are constantly thinking , worrying , agitating over things . And in that process , forget to live and enjoy now. We clean our homes and the same way we can clean our minds . The way we have to switch off a running motor , the same way we can learn how to switch off our minds . Negative feeling and thoughts will do us no good . Positive feelings and internal co ordination will bring us joy , peace and happiness .  How do we then get rid of unwanted thoughts ?



While there are probably many ways you can do it , and maybe you discover your own way , you can try this also . Sit still and relax.

Let the awareness roam through your body , gently relaxing each part and come to the center of your being . All the while , contacting and connecting all  parts , breathing deeply and steadily . Its also called centering . Focusing your complete awareness in the center .


Slowly and steadily , the training of the mind will help you control the Chattering Monkey . . . . .   At least a bit . . .  Smile


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

10 Minutes of Nirvana…. maybe?

imaes_thumb1Osho said -  If you are looking for a certain meaning , you will not find it . Don’t move with any fixed idea . Go open  and empty and you will find – not only one meaning – you will find a thousand and one meanings .

What is Nirvana ?  So many have described this as the experience of ultimate freedom in life  , but rarely the Masters . The Masters know that there is no description to Nirvana . Nirvana happens . It is a lock  , which opens without a key . Because a key was never made . It could not be made . Everyone has a different way to it and it holds a different meaning for everyone, a different key for each one of us. Totally unique . So , it cannot be explained , only experienced . To feel what the Buddha felt , you would have to become the Buddha .



Learning to breathe correctly , takes us  a long way in making us calm , aware , focussed and productive . That’s what Nirvana is about .  It isn’t about running away some place  for it , its about doing it right here and right now , within the confines of your spaces . Whether home or office.


Just try setting a timer for 10 minutes . Close your eyes . And appreciate the darkness . The sheer nothingness .  Appreciate that you will always go back to seeing when you do open your eyes .  Feel the air around you  . Feel each breath coming into and leaving your body . When you breathe in , let the focus of thoughts be on  the new ,  the fresh , the positive . When you breathe out , let the flow of thoughts be on the old , the stale , the negative  in your body  , which are flowing out of your body now .  Visualize it .  Be creative . Leave all your ideas and the things you may have heard behind . Find your own way . The way will find you too .


When your timer sounds , just calmly come back to the world .  You will feel a lot more serene and conscious . . .  but as i said . . . . maybe . . . . . .  



Saturday, July 31, 2010

Finding Peace….

images3_thumb3They say you find your inner peace when you meditate . You discover your path . You find your calling . You experience a wakening and awaken . You find ways to overcome your obstacles . You are inspired .

Meditation…  a very abused and over used word . There are  guidelines some prescribe like making a sacred space , staying consistent with the time and place , making your surroundings quiet  and not getting distracted by sounds , wearing loose clothing , playing music , staring at an object  ..or even going into the mountains…. these are just a few to begin with…

Yes , you can light candles , aromatize your surroundings , play soft music , read books , wear loose clothing but finally they are not the way to the path .


All these things really don't matter . If you want to go into the depths of your own inner self , there is no place or time that is perfect because every place and time is . Peace cannot be found , because its right there , inside you . Your path cannot be discovered , its already been unravelled , you just haven't looked closely enough . You will never overcome your obstacles , if that's how you view them . As has been said … things or people or situations  cannot be labelled as good or bad … they are . Accept it . Once you accept that , the obstacles in your path are mere speed breakers…  just glide over slowly . You will be inspired automatically every day .


There is no way of meditating . Meditation just happens .

You maybe find total peace in your daily chores…that's meditation .

You drink tea on your terrace looking at the surroundings … that's meditation .

Sounds are . They cannot penetrate your inner being unless you allow it… that's meditation .


You are totally engrossed at  your work place …. that’s meditation .

104_thumb1Its a matter of awareness . Total and complete awareness .  No one can teach us this . We can do it ourselves . There is no right or wrong way . No right or wrong place .

Jiddu Krishnamurthy put it beautifully when he said : “The description is not the described ; I can describe the mountain , but the description is not the mountain , and if you are caught up in the description , as most people are , then you will never see the mountain .”

Find your peace. Look again . Its right where you are . Light is where you are .




Monday, July 26, 2010

It's all about keeping it simple

Its all about keeping it simple , really.

images (24)Our own conditioning , thoughts , ideas about ourselves is what stops us from moving ahead.
Restrictions are only in the mind.  They are created by us.
Once we open the doors of our mind , somehow life seems much easier and lots more beautiful.

It kind of, sets you free. There are no complications . Good or bad. Nothing. They are projections of our own mind.

Clean the clutter and you will shine through , like a star.
You are a winner , everyday.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Going with the flow....


A blog too.

Things just seem to flow, when there is no planning and somehow....worries seem to take a backseat and life gains momentum.

Don’t think, just go with the flow....easier said than done.  But yes...i realized it works too.

When we are in the middle of a problem or maybe a decision to be is so consuming and nothing seems to make sense but if we are able to stop. Just stop thinking for a while ..and just be still , in  our minds , just breathe...just be.... somehow things seem to start moving in the right direction..

And you never know...the direction maybe right or wrong...who decides that anyway....the direction just is...the road is.....the path is... just take it...take the one your instinct tells you to take...

Nothing else matters . People all around you have opinions and they have their own comments but finally its what you want to do that matters...

People will fade away . What’s  left with only you.

And isn’t that all that matters ?

Children...why do we have children...i don’t get it..only to carry on our name? Only so..that they grow up and be something..and make US proud?? Isn’t that the saddest thing....

A little soul is sent into this world , to find its own path .To make his or her own decisions  ,  to create his own make mistakes and learn from his own mistakes....

The soul isn’t sent into this world for you to assert your importance . For you to feel proud , for you to assert your beliefs , for you to guide it with your mistakes , for you to force the child to takes paths you feel are right for him...

This energy that lets us make our own choices and decisions , we are snatching away this energy from that soul  and finally why , because somewhere in our childhood , that's what we learnt , it happened to us  and that's what we carry with us all our lives . Thinking  its the right thing to do....because its the only thing we understand.

The only thing we should do is express ourselves in the right manner to our child , to ourselves and trust and have complete faith in the unseen.… the never understood.

Things happen . They may be good , bad , doesn’t matter. What finally matters will be how you deal with it...

Just be. And...let your child be....

And you will discover the greatest happiness there is ...its called Love...