Saturday, July 31, 2010

Finding Peace….

images3_thumb3They say you find your inner peace when you meditate . You discover your path . You find your calling . You experience a wakening and awaken . You find ways to overcome your obstacles . You are inspired .

Meditation…  a very abused and over used word . There are  guidelines some prescribe like making a sacred space , staying consistent with the time and place , making your surroundings quiet  and not getting distracted by sounds , wearing loose clothing , playing music , staring at an object  ..or even going into the mountains…. these are just a few to begin with…

Yes , you can light candles , aromatize your surroundings , play soft music , read books , wear loose clothing but finally they are not the way to the path .


All these things really don't matter . If you want to go into the depths of your own inner self , there is no place or time that is perfect because every place and time is . Peace cannot be found , because its right there , inside you . Your path cannot be discovered , its already been unravelled , you just haven't looked closely enough . You will never overcome your obstacles , if that's how you view them . As has been said … things or people or situations  cannot be labelled as good or bad … they are . Accept it . Once you accept that , the obstacles in your path are mere speed breakers…  just glide over slowly . You will be inspired automatically every day .


There is no way of meditating . Meditation just happens .

You maybe find total peace in your daily chores…that's meditation .

You drink tea on your terrace looking at the surroundings … that's meditation .

Sounds are . They cannot penetrate your inner being unless you allow it… that's meditation .


You are totally engrossed at  your work place …. that’s meditation .

104_thumb1Its a matter of awareness . Total and complete awareness .  No one can teach us this . We can do it ourselves . There is no right or wrong way . No right or wrong place .

Jiddu Krishnamurthy put it beautifully when he said : “The description is not the described ; I can describe the mountain , but the description is not the mountain , and if you are caught up in the description , as most people are , then you will never see the mountain .”

Find your peace. Look again . Its right where you are . Light is where you are .




Monday, July 26, 2010

It's all about keeping it simple

Its all about keeping it simple , really.

images (24)Our own conditioning , thoughts , ideas about ourselves is what stops us from moving ahead.
Restrictions are only in the mind.  They are created by us.
Once we open the doors of our mind , somehow life seems much easier and lots more beautiful.

It kind of, sets you free. There are no complications . Good or bad. Nothing. They are projections of our own mind.

Clean the clutter and you will shine through , like a star.
You are a winner , everyday.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Going with the flow....


A blog too.

Things just seem to flow, when there is no planning and somehow....worries seem to take a backseat and life gains momentum.

Don’t think, just go with the flow....easier said than done.  But yes...i realized it works too.

When we are in the middle of a problem or maybe a decision to be is so consuming and nothing seems to make sense but if we are able to stop. Just stop thinking for a while ..and just be still , in  our minds , just breathe...just be.... somehow things seem to start moving in the right direction..

And you never know...the direction maybe right or wrong...who decides that anyway....the direction just is...the road is.....the path is... just take it...take the one your instinct tells you to take...

Nothing else matters . People all around you have opinions and they have their own comments but finally its what you want to do that matters...

People will fade away . What’s  left with only you.

And isn’t that all that matters ?

Children...why do we have children...i don’t get it..only to carry on our name? Only so..that they grow up and be something..and make US proud?? Isn’t that the saddest thing....

A little soul is sent into this world , to find its own path .To make his or her own decisions  ,  to create his own make mistakes and learn from his own mistakes....

The soul isn’t sent into this world for you to assert your importance . For you to feel proud , for you to assert your beliefs , for you to guide it with your mistakes , for you to force the child to takes paths you feel are right for him...

This energy that lets us make our own choices and decisions , we are snatching away this energy from that soul  and finally why , because somewhere in our childhood , that's what we learnt , it happened to us  and that's what we carry with us all our lives . Thinking  its the right thing to do....because its the only thing we understand.

The only thing we should do is express ourselves in the right manner to our child , to ourselves and trust and have complete faith in the unseen.… the never understood.

Things happen . They may be good , bad , doesn’t matter. What finally matters will be how you deal with it...

Just be. And...let your child be....

And you will discover the greatest happiness there is ...its called Love...